Scorpio New Moon — Following Your Heart's Desires ❤️‍🔥

Hello beautiful soul,

It’s been a while since my last newsletter. As Libra season encouraged me to seek balance and harmony (a work in progress), it also nudged me toward rediscovering joy and pleasure in life. Before diving deeper into that, let’s acknowledge where we are now — in the heart of Scorpio season and fully embraced by Autumn.

Autumn brings with it shorter days and a natural pull to turn inward. It’s a time to slow down, reflect, restore balance, release, and let go. Just as the trees shed their leaves, we, too, are invited to undergo a deeper cleanse and transformation. 🍂 And this is exactly where I find myself — in the midst of this powerful shift. It feels like standing in a storm, uncertain of when it started or when it will end. Yet, here I am, doing my best to surrender and trust the process.

Every Autumn brings this inward journey, but this year feels especially deep, heavy, and at times, painful. However, instead of being swept away, I feel more like a deeply rooted tree — moving with the winds, yet anchored in the strength I’ve built over time. 🌲Some days feel overwhelming, but I’m proud of the foundation that holds me steady.

As we transitioned into Scorpio season last week—a time that invites inner transformation and uncovering of deeper truths—this newsletter reflects that journey, as the Sun and Moon come together in Scorpio under the New Moon. 🌚 What energy and intentions might this New Moon bring?

If you ask how I’m feeling these days, it’s hard to put into words. But what I do know is that, like the seasons, this too will pass, shifting and evolving. I’m beginning to see the light breaking through, just as nature moves towards its next phase.

Scorpio New Moon 🌚

When the Sun and Moon meet in the sky, the new lunar cycle has arrived starting with the New Moon. During this event, the Moon is not visible for our eyes and the darkness in the night reflects that. This is the time we turn inwards and reflect on our journeys, and to set new intentions for the new cycle. Aligning with cycles like the lunar phases is a meaningful way to deepen our connection with nature’s rhythms, which mirror our inner worlds.

On Friday, November 1st, the Sun and Moon unite in the celestial dance under the sign of Scorpio, marking a powerful shift. Scorpio is the sign of transformation, rebirth, passion, and intensity. Although Scorpio is a water sign, it often feels as fiery and dynamic as the phoenix rising from the ashes. 🐦‍🔥 Are you ready for transformation? Ready to step into a process of symbolic death and rebirth?

In this shamanic journey of death and rebirth, we release old parts of ourselves to make space for the new. Consider what intentions you’ll set for this lunar cycle—intentions that help you shed what’s no longer needed, clearing a path for growth and renewal.

Scorpio’s energy brings passion, depth, and desire. Following our deepest desires and what truly calls to us is Scorpio’s guiding force. With each release, each act of letting go, we create space for what is yet to come—our dreams, hopes, and desires. So, what lies deep within your heart, waiting to emerge? What does your soul long for, and what new space can you create to bring it to life?

This Moon cycle also encourages us to let the heart lead the way. Scorpio, like all water signs, is deeply connected to the heart. Unlike Pisces or Cancer, which focus on nurturing and loving others, Scorpio centers on the self—knowing its own desires and honoring personal boundaries. Although this focus on the self can sometimes be seen as selfish, it’s crucial; after all, how can we care for others if we don’t care for ourselves? Scorpio’s energy reminds us to honor our passions and fuel what sets our hearts on fire. ❤️‍🔥 What ignites your inner flame?

Finally, this New Moon invites you to feel everything. Scorpio, as a water sign, connects us to the full spectrum of emotions, even those often suppressed by society. Scorpio doesn’t shy away from intensity or taboo emotions; it invites us to bring hidden feelings like anger, rage, jealousy, and shame into the light. While this process can be painful and powerful, remember that you, too, are like a deeply rooted tree, anchored and resilient, capable of feeling everything.

If any heavy feelings arise, don’t hesitate to reach out to loved ones or seek professional support. You’re never alone on this journey.

The Unknown 🕯️

For this New Moon, I drew a card from the “Shadows of Light” deck to seek insight. This beautiful deck was purchased by my Scorpio man during our last holiday in Bali, and it radiates his deep and intense Scorpio energy.

The card I pulled speaks to the heart of transformation: “Divine Design - The Unknown.” In the eye of the storm, we rarely see when it will end or where it’s leading us. It’s this unknown that we’re asked to surrender to—and it’s often what we fear most along this path of transformation.

“The search for answers can sometimes take us further away from finding the true sense of understanding that we are seeking.”

“Even when things seem empty or misaligned, there is a great perfection to it all. Trust that you are where you are for reason, even if that is unclear right now. Time will tell. For now, try not to overthink things. Rest in the unknown.”


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