Sagittarius Full Moon - Expansion of the Mind 🀯

Hello beautiful soul,

Welcome to my first Astrology-inspired newsletter! I am excited to embark on this cosmic journey with you as I explore the art of living in harmony with natural cycles. From embracing the ever-changing seasons to attuning to the rhythmic dance of the lunar cycle, tracking the Sun's passage through the zodiac signs, and even honoring our own menstrual cycles, I believe in the power of aligning with the flow of the Land & Sky 🌳πŸͺ

In this newsletter, we will delve into the magic of this Full Moon and its potential impact on our lives. We will explore how the energy of Sagittarius can inspire personal growth, expand our perspectives, and embolden our spirit of adventure. And last, I give you practical rituals for connecting with this Full Moon.

Sense and sensibility 🌝

During the Full Moon phase, which occurs when the Moon and Sun are opposite each other, their energies intertwine and have a profound effect on Earth. This influence is tangible and can be felt by individuals. Emotions tend to run high during this time, so it's crucial to prioritize self-care and nurturing activities.

The Full Moon acts as a midpoint in the lunar cycle. At the New Moon, we set our intentions, and during the First Quarter, we took action towards our goals. Now, with the Full Moon, we have an opportunity to give one final push, celebrate our manifestations, and release what no longer serves us.

It's a time for reflection and assessment. We can acknowledge the progress we have made and the goals we have achieved, while also identifying aspects of our lives or ourselves that need to be let go. This process allows us to create space for new intentions and growth as we move forward in the lunar cycle.

The Philosophical Sag 🧐

On June 4th at 5:42 AM, the Moon will be at its fullest in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is associated with the archetypes of The Philosopher and the Adventurous Explorer. Individuals born under this sign have a natural inclination to explore, seeking new experiences to expand their horizons and gain fresh perspectives. This exploration goes beyond physical places; it also encompasses a quest for personal growth and a broader understanding of the world.

Sagittarius is known for their adventurous spirit, boldness, and curiosity. They thrive on venturing into the unknown, both externally and internally. They are drawn to deepening their awareness and consciousness, making them eager seekers of truth and meaning in life. The question "what is the meaning of life?" often occupies their thoughts, acknowledging that each person's answer may vary and cannot be easily answered within a single lifetime.

The Sagittarius individual embraces multiple perspectives, recognizing the value in diverse viewpoints. They are open to different ideas and philosophies, constantly expanding their understanding. However, their strong positivity can sometimes lead to spiritual bypassing, where they focus solely on the light and love, disregarding the darker aspects of life. It is crucial for Sagittarius to learn how to navigate through the shadows and face the challenges that come with personal growth, understanding that the journey to higher realms also involves exploring the depths.

Ultimately, the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 4th invites us to embark on our own inner and outer quests for truth, wisdom, and self-discovery. It encourages us to embrace the adventurous spirit within and seek answers while remaining open to different perspectives along the way.

Sagittarius Moon x Gemini Sun

Sagittarius and Gemini, despite being opposite signs, share a common thread in their exploratory nature and the desire to discover new possibilities. Sagittarius seeks to expand consciousness and gain a broader perspective, while Gemini aims to learn and then challenge established rules for the sake of freedom, creativity, and heightened awareness. Both signs are spiritually inclined and driven by a higher purpose.

In their exchange, Sagittarius can learn from Gemini's light-hearted and playful approach to life, infusing more fun and lightheartedness into their deep and serious outlook. On the other hand, Gemini can benefit from Sagittarius' sense of gravity, understanding that life holds profound meaning beyond surface-level enjoyment. Embracing a balanced combination of seriousness and fun, both signs can tap into a potent energy that fuels exploration, transcending boundaries and realms.

However, when out of balance, both Sagittarius and Gemini may succumb to overthinking and disconnecting from their bodies. It is during this Full Moon that we are encouraged to seek new perspectives within our own lives, harnessing the powerful and expansive energy derived from the union of these two signs.

Full Moon rituals πŸ•―οΈ

  1. Connect to the Body πŸ’ƒ

    Ground yourself and connect with your body and Mother Earth. Being too much in the mind can lead to overthinking and disconnection from our being. Establish a strong foundation to use your mind in a healthy manner. Discover your own way of embodying your physical self. Explore practices like dancing, breathwork, yoga, or other movement activities.

  2. Burn it away πŸ”₯

    Sagittarius, being a fire sign, offers a magical opportunity to harness the power of fire during this Full Moon. As we release what no longer serves us, creating a sacred space to perform a fire ritual can be transformative. Whether alone or with friends, find a safe place for this ritualβ€”a bowl, firepit, or pan may be useful.

    Take a small piece of paper and write down what you wish to let go of. Offer this piece of paper to the flames while uttering the words, "I give all of this back to the Fire." Allow the fire to consume your intentions, symbolically releasing them and creating space for new growth. This ritual can be a powerful way to symbolically release and invite positive change into our lives.

I invite you to find a new perspective this Full Moon πŸ™ƒ


Gemini New Moon - Changing Course and Re-align πŸ’«